[新服务] frp 内网穿透 by docker-compose

Mar 6, 2023
notion image



new custom domain
add to frps - restart
add to frpc - restart


Server Side

export DOCKER_PROJ=frps
export DOCKER_PROJ_TOKEN=xxxx-anything-as-long-as-same-in-both-server-and-clientm

mkdir -p /data/$DOCKER_PROJ/config; cd /data/$DOCKER_PROJ


# frps.toml
bindPort = 50000
auth.token = "8G5i3a527"

webServer.port = 50080
# dashboard 用户名密码,可选,默认为空
webServer.user = "admin9527"
webServer.password = "8G5i3a527"

vhostHTTPPort = 8080

log.to = "/var/log/frps.log" # trace, debug, info, warn, error
log.level = "info"
log.maxDays = 10 # 当log.to 为控制台时禁用日志颜色 [1]
# disable log colors when log.to is console, default is false
log.disablePrintColor = false

# if subdomain_host is not empty, you can set subdomain when type is http or https in frpc's configure file
# when subdomain is test, the host used by routing is test.frps.com
subDomainHost = "nonoidea.com"

# Only allow frpc to bind ports you list. By default, there won't be any limit.
allowPorts = [
  { start = 50000, end = 60000 },
  { single = 8080 }

20240201 (no longer working) 这是主要的 frps.ini

cat > ./config/frps.ini <<EOF

bind_port = 50000
log_file = /var/log/frps.log

vhost_http_port = 8080

# if subdomain_host is not empty, you can set subdomain when type is http or https in frpc's configure file
# when subdomain is test, the host used by routing is test.frps.com
subdomain_host = $DOCKER_PROJ_DOMAIN

allow_ports = 8080,50000-60000

#dashboard_port = 50080
#dashboard_user = admin9527
#dashboard_pwd = 8G5i3a527

log_level = info
log_max_days = 30
disable_log_color = false

# !!! 这些也可以不设,让客户端自动注册
# 最大程度简化服务器端配置

#listen_port = 50022


cat > docker-compose.yml <<EOF
version: '3'

    container_name: frps
    image: snowdreamtech/frps
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
      - ./config:/etc/frp
      - ./log:/var/log
      driver: json-file
        max-size: 10m
        max-file: 3

### very important!!! 
for port in 8080 50000:60000/tcp 50000:60000/udp; do
  sudo ufw allow $port

docker-compose down; docker-compose up -d; sleep 1s; docker-compose logs -f
tail -f log/frps.log
notion image



Client Side(can be multiple clients)

export DOCKER_PROJ=frpc
export DOCKER_PROJ_TOKEN=xxxx-anything-as-long-as-same-in-both-server-and-clientm

cd ~/tmp_qh/
mkdir -p ./data/$DOCKER_PROJ/config; cd ./data/$DOCKER_PROJ

cd ~/tmp_qh/data/frpc

cat > ./config/frpc.ini <<EOF

# frpc.ini
server_addr = 206.frps-ip.70
server_port = 50000
log_file = /var/log/frpc.log

 type = tcp
 local_ip =
 local_port = 22
 remote_port = 50022
 use_encryption = true
 use_compression = true
 #bandwidth_limit = 1MB
 #bandwidth_limit_mode = client

 #type = tcpmux
 #multiplexer = httpconnect
 #custom_domains = test2
 #local_port = 8080

 type = http
 subdomain = frp-clash15
 # 可以也共存,但必须是不同域名
 # custom_domains = frp-clash15.$DOCKER_PROJ_DOMAIN
 local_ip =
 local_port = 15005
 use_encryption = true
 use_compression = true

 type = http
 subdomain = frp-clash18
 local_ip =
 local_port = 18013
 use_encryption = true
 use_compression = true

 type = http
 subdomain = frp-sh88
 local_ip =
 local_port = 5000
 use_encryption = true
 use_compression = true

# only tcp is needed for screen
 type = tcp
 local_ip =
 local_port = 5900
 remote_port = 50059
 use_encryption = true
 use_compression = true
# never tried - https://docs.dler.io/black-hole/advanced/nei-wang-chuan-tou-fang-wen-jia-zhong-she-bei 
name = "Surge Dashboard"
type = "tcp"
localIP = ""
localPort = 6170
remotePort = 6170

name = "Emby"
type = "tcp"
localIP = ""
localPort = 8096
remotePort = 8096 


cat > docker-compose.yml <<EOF

version: '3'

    container_name: frpc
    image: snowdreamtech/frpc
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
      - ./config:/etc/frp
      - ./log:/var/log
      driver: json-file
        max-size: 10m
        max-file: 3

docker-compose down; docker-compose up -d; sleep 1s; docker-compose logs -f

验证 - frp-clash18.x.x:8080 → (local)

notion image
notion image

ssh (remote:50022 → localhost:22) - ssh-frp-kxultra

notion image


full frps.ini配置文件 https://gitee.com/fenstec/frp/blob/master/conf/frps_full.ini#

# [common] is integral section
# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed
# in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80"
bind_addr =
bind_port = 7000

# udp port to help make udp hole to penetrate nat
bind_udp_port = 7001

# udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port'
# if not set, kcp is disabled in frps
kcp_bind_port = 7000

# specify which address proxy will listen for, default value is same with bind_addr
# proxy_bind_addr =

# if you want to support virtual host, you must set the http port for listening (optional)
# Note: http port and https port can be same with bind_port
vhost_http_port = 80
vhost_https_port = 443

# response header timeout(seconds) for vhost http server, default is 60s
# vhost_http_timeout = 60

# set dashboard_addr and dashboard_port to view dashboard of frps
# dashboard_addr's default value is same with bind_addr
# dashboard is available only if dashboard_port is set
dashboard_addr =
dashboard_port = 7500

# dashboard user and passwd for basic auth protect, if not set, both default value is admin
dashboard_user = admin
dashboard_pwd = admin

# dashboard assets directory(only for debug mode)
# assets_dir = ./static
# console or real logFile path like ./frps.log
log_file = ./frps.log

# trace, debug, info, warn, error
log_level = info

log_max_days = 3

# auth token
token = 12345678

# heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# the default value of heartbeat_timeout is 90
# heartbeat_timeout = 90

# only allow frpc to bind ports you list, if you set nothing, there won't be any limit
allow_ports = 2000-3000,3001,3003,4000-50000

# pool_count in each proxy will change to max_pool_count if they exceed the maximum value
max_pool_count = 5

# max ports can be used for each client, default value is 0 means no limit
max_ports_per_client = 0

# if subdomain_host is not empty, you can set subdomain when type is http or https in frpc's configure file
# when subdomain is test, the host used by routing is test.frps.com
subdomain_host = frps.com

# if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true
tcp_mux = true


# [common] is integral section
# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed
# in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80"
server_addr =
server_port = 7000

# if you want to connect frps by http proxy or socks5 proxy, you can set http_proxy here or in global environment variables
# it only works when protocol is tcp
# http_proxy = http://user:passwd@
# http_proxy = socks5://user:passwd@

# console or real logFile path like ./frpc.log
log_file = ./frpc.log

# trace, debug, info, warn, error
log_level = info

log_max_days = 3

# for authentication
token = 12345678

# set admin address for control frpc's action by http api such as reload
admin_addr =
admin_port = 7400
admin_user = admin
admin_pwd = admin

# connections will be established in advance, default value is zero
pool_count = 5

# if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true, it must be same with frps
tcp_mux = true

# your proxy name will be changed to {user}.{proxy}
user = your_name

# decide if exit program when first login failed, otherwise continuous relogin to frps
# default is true
login_fail_exit = true

# communication protocol used to connect to server
# now it supports tcp and kcp and websocket, default is tcp
protocol = tcp

# if tls_enable is true, frpc will connect frps by tls
tls_enable = true

# specify a dns server, so frpc will use this instead of default one
# dns_server =

# proxy names you want to start divided by ','
# default is empty, means all proxies
# start = ssh,dns

# heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value
# the default value of heartbeat_interval is 10 and heartbeat_timeout is 90
# heartbeat_interval = 30
# heartbeat_timeout = 90

# 'ssh' is the unique proxy name
# if user in [common] section is not empty, it will be changed to {user}.{proxy} such as 'your_name.ssh'
# tcp | udp | http | https | stcp | xtcp, default is tcp
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
# true or false, if true, messages between frps and frpc will be encrypted, default is false
use_encryption = false
# if true, message will be compressed
use_compression = false
# remote port listen by frps
remote_port = 6001
# frps will load balancing connections for proxies in same group
group = test_group
# group should have same group key
group_key = 123456
# enable health check for the backend service, it support 'tcp' and 'http' now
# frpc will connect local service's port to detect it's healthy status
health_check_type = tcp
# health check connection timeout
health_check_timeout_s = 3
# if continuous failed in 3 times, the proxy will be removed from frps
health_check_max_failed = 3
# every 10 seconds will do a health check
health_check_interval_s = 10

type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 22
# if remote_port is 0, frps will assign a random port for you
remote_port = 0

# if you want to expose multiple ports, add 'range:' prefix to the section name
# frpc will generate multiple proxies such as 'tcp_port_6010', 'tcp_port_6011' and so on.
type = tcp
local_ip =
local_port = 6010-6020,6022,6024-6028
remote_port = 6010-6020,6022,6024-6028
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false

type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 53
remote_port = 6002
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false

type = udp
local_ip =
local_port = 6010-6020
remote_port = 6010-6020
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false

# Resolve your domain names to [server_addr] so you can use http://web01.yourdomain.com to browse web01 and http://web02.yourdomain.com to browse web02
type = http
local_ip =
local_port = 80
use_encryption = false
use_compression = true
# http username and password are safety certification for http protocol
# if not set, you can access this custom_domains without certification
http_user = admin
http_pwd = admin
# if domain for frps is frps.com, then you can access [web01] proxy by URL http://test.frps.com
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com
# locations is only available for http type
locations = /,/pic
host_header_rewrite = example.com
# params with prefix "header_" will be used to update http request headers
header_X-From-Where = frp
health_check_type = http
# frpc will send a GET http request '/status' to local http service
# http service is alive when it return 2xx http response code
health_check_url = /status
health_check_interval_s = 10
health_check_max_failed = 3
health_check_timeout_s = 3

type = https
local_ip =
local_port = 8000
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false
subdomain = web01
custom_domains = web02.yourdomain.com

type = tcp
remote_port = 6003
# if plugin is defined, local_ip and local_port is useless
# plugin will handle connections got from frps
plugin = unix_domain_socket
# params with prefix "plugin_" that plugin needed
plugin_unix_path = /var/run/docker.sock

type = tcp
remote_port = 6004
plugin = http_proxy
plugin_http_user = abc
plugin_http_passwd = abc

type = tcp
remote_port = 6005
plugin = socks5
plugin_user = abc
plugin_passwd = abc

type = tcp
remote_port = 6006
plugin = static_file
plugin_local_path = /var/www/blog
plugin_strip_prefix = static
plugin_http_user = abc
plugin_http_passwd = abc

# If the type is secret tcp, remote_port is useless
# Who want to connect local port should deploy another frpc with stcp proxy and role is visitor
type = stcp
# sk used for authentication for visitors
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false

# user of frpc should be same in both stcp server and stcp visitor
# frpc role visitor -> frps -> frpc role server
role = visitor
type = stcp
# the server name you want to visitor
server_name = secret_tcp
sk = abcdefg
# connect this address to visitor stcp server
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9000
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false

type = xtcp
sk = abcdefg
local_ip =
local_port = 22
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false

role = visitor
type = xtcp
server_name = p2p_tcp
sk = abcdefg
bind_addr =
bind_port = 9001
use_encryption = false
use_compression = false

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